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4.11/5 (187 votes)
  by LNTG
Downloads : 24761
donwloadUploaded on 1/4/02
This Animated Trailer was actually done to demonstrate the animation capabilities of our music group. We are in the process of aquiring a deal. We all wear mask and our albums follow a story, and so we hope to release a full animation to accompany each album...Anyway enjoy and prepare for the coming of LNTG.
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ShadowAssault on 3 August 2006
Freeking awsome man. music was greeat.. i like the transforming plane, ive always wanted to do one fo those with a P51G Mustang. i wish i knew the techneque they used.. awsome man..
D on 12 February 2006
One on 30 December 2003
To see more work from this artist check out
Matr!xM0nky on 13 August 2003
anybody whos says that lntg is gay of that there music sucks is just sad, how can u say there music sucks whe u arent even ina band, they were the first show that i ever went to, and i was blown away, they remind me of linkin park, just with a different beat, my sisters b/f is in the band, and i think its awesome, im a drummer, and there beat is without a doubt original, and i give many props to there band, ill support them in every way, i tell mad people about them, and ever1 that i no who listened to there cd, say that they rock, and some say that they are bettr then linkin park,and theynall want to no when they are playing so that they can go c them, so LNTG all the way, amd cant wait to c u guys again pe@ce from M0nky!!! God blease
LOgic on 9 April 2003
Replying to TEKROK:
Did you know that LNTG is an unsigned group and they did this animation and as well as their music on their own budged with shitty jobs, meanwhile you have Linkin Park who are backed by a major label with millions of $$$. And im pretty sure if LNTG had Linkin Park's budget they would blow them out the water and even shock the industry. So next time make sure look around first before you open your mouth wide and sum sh!t might fly in it.
Stupid idiot.
TEKROK on 2 February 2003
this sucked. I didn't like the music or the animations. if you want a good 3d music video with actually good music, check out linkin park's points of authority remix video.

I can't believe some of you like guys must like things like gundam or something...
pulse on 16 October 2002
When I seen this animation I thought to myself (HMMM cool ).however , i didn't know if it was a music video or just an animation until something quite unexpected happened.A friend invited my to a club in the city and told me this incredible group would be performing there.We got in the club and I have to say it was completely amazing.This group had all sorts of cool shit .I'm talking masks funky instruments and the coolist underground stageset I think I've ever seen.I was enjoying myself completely when this familiar tune started to play.At first I couldn't put my finger on it, then suddenly I realized the group was playing the song featured in this animation.I was like holy shit!.All I have to say is who ever came up with this shit is brilliant, and for all those who haven't seen what I've out, this shit is going to be huge.
Inaet on 11 July 2002
The music is very kool
SPI on 20 April 2002
This is the hottest animation on here, a plane that transforms, nice music, and excellent graphical conent..
Feckinard on 15 April 2002
Rubbish. Nothing that a decent 3d game couldn't generate in realtime. The music is just irritating.
faman on 14 April 2002
Very!!! Cool!!!!
macgyver on 11 April 2002
Nice animation, but can't you turn the music off?
Astro on 11 April 2002
What WAS that? A music video? A movie?
PALETA on 7 April 2002
Great animation. the robot transformation scene is amazing. I look forward to seeing future animations from LNTG.